A Letter to the Readers of DarlyDoo's Tales
DarlyDoo the Owl has been living cozily in our home for many years. She was born in stories we used to tell our little children daily. Now they are all grown up, but DarlyDoo is still remembered and loved as a true member of our family.
Some tales emerged spontaneously, reacting on the spot to the little ones' experiences, behaviors, experiences, or events. Others were created in advance – then we would carefully consider the content, aiming to present it as interestingly, joyfully, and attractively as possible.
Stories about DarlyDoo's experiences and discoveries easily conveyed various lessons to children: like putting shoes in their place after coming indoors, the necessity of daily brushing teeth, or how everyone might have a NO day and how to say goodbye to it more quickly.
The messages hidden in the tales were much more acceptable and clearer to the little ones than direct requests, proposals, or advice! Children felt free because they could decide for themselves whether and when to apply DarlyDoo's discovered truths in their lives. (I guess you've noticed how often direct encouragements to "behave properly," commands, teachings, and especially preaching don't achieve the goal and often even provoke defiance in the little ones.)
As our daughter and son grew, DarlyDoo experienced more and more adventures, and we step by step discovered the charming world of THERAPEUTIC TALES. We gained knowledge about their creation methods and rules, accumulated experience – this encouraged us to create ever new stories that reached the young listeners' minds and feelings more easily.
Every DarlyDoo tale always began the same way:
Beyond nine seas and nine oceans, beyond nine mountains and nine valleys,
Beyond the Great Ant Hill and the Frog Pond, a large forest flourishes.
Right in the middle of that forest is a meadow,
And in the middle of that meadow stands an old, old oak,
In the trunk of that oak is a hollow, and in that hollow lives DarlyDoo the Owl.
These words magically affected the children – they would immediately quiet down, listen intently, and eagerly await the fun adventures of the little owl.
The introduction to therapeutic stories is especially important. Here is the FIRST TIP for you:
EVERY time you open DarlyDoo's tales book always start reading from the introduction – first take your little ones “beyond nine seas and nine oceans,” and then read the chosen story. These words invite the children to get comfortable and listen, help create an atmosphere that distracts them from other thoughts and concerns, and allows them to dive deeper into the tale.
Our son and daughter really liked DarlyDoo – they often asked to hear the same stories over and over again, remembered them for a long time, and sometimes even suggested themes for future owl adventures.
THE SECOND TIP is about repetitions:
It is recommended to read the same therapeutic tale several days in a row. Of course, if the children ask, you can repeat it several times a day. Thus, the conveyed idea of the tale will become more and more entrenched, clearer, and more acceptable each time. For therapeutic stories to reach the little listeners' minds and hearts, time and repetition are necessary.
The best books are those that children ask to read many, many times. They arouse curiosity, prompt questions, and generate new ideas. If the little ones talk about a story they liked, it deserves compliments.
During storytime, all sorts of miracles happen: children experience various emotions, gain unexpected insights, find answers to pressing questions, sometimes even to those they have not yet asked themselves or others.
And before I leave you with the eagerly awaiting DarlyDoo, I'll share one more suggestion – highlight the different characters of the story with unique voices, intonations, or even body movements. Our children particularly enjoyed this way of reading. You'll see – it will not only delight your little ones but also help them better understand and remember the story, encourage them to repeat it in their play, and improvise in creating continuations.
Wishing you and your little ones a fairytale time!